Protected against the latest viruses ?

Posted by: Mark Northall | | No Comments »

You may have heard or seen the news coverage about a computer virus called ‘Gameover Zeus’. The FBI and National Crime Agency (NCA) in the USA managed to take control of a network of infected computers (known as a botnet) in an attempt to stop the network growing any larger.

MBM_42Emails_Blog_smallThe botnet is used to send annoying Emails with attached zip files that pretend to be from organisations you are familiar with (ie your bank, utility company etc). However, if you open the file attachments, the malware it contains will install on your computer and it too then becomes part of the infected network of computers.

Once on your computer the virus searches for private information such as bank account details and sends the data back to the hackers.

The press are reporting that it will take the hackers two weeks to regain control of the network and recommence. Therefore there is a small window for users to ensure their anti virus software is up to date and perform a scan.

MBM Customers Protected

If you are an MBM customer, you will be using our Panda Cloud Protection anti-virus software which we ensure is updated. Our centralised management tool tells us that our clients with this software are up to date and protected from Gameover Zeus.

Own anti-virus?

But what about customers or businesses who use their own anti-virus tools?

Jason Timmins, Technical Director at MBM, suggests that you first ensure that you have anti-virus software, second that the anti-virus sofware you use has the latest updates and thirdly, that you perform an up to date scan of your computer and remove any infections it finds.

For further information about the virus visit: 

For further information about IT Security visit our website:

MBM can ensure you have the best anti-virus software and ensure your business is secure. Call us on 01902 32 44 94

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